I’m sure you’ve heard the statistic, only ~9% of Americans complete their New Year Resolutions, but did you know that 23% of people quit their resolutions by the end of the first week? With 43% quitting by the end of January. Oof!
But you, my friend, are not a New Year’s statistic, because you GET the Mindset and Metabolism aspects of this journey.
Discouraging or Helpful?
Some health experts dislike sharing these statistics because they feel it’s discouraging. I’d argue that we can use it as information to guide us.
We are at the end of the first week of January. You may have:
Started your resolution this week
Used this week as a “prep week” to start next week
Said “nah” to making any resolutions
If you started, you may be:
Rocking it - you chose something realistic and feel confident in your approach
White knuckling it - you choose a stretch goal and feel shaky
Done - you’re over it
Either way…
Let’s put this in perspective
We’re ONLY 0.02 freaking % into the year.
If your resolution or intention for this year got off to a shaky start, remember You Cannot “Fail”.
Your 2024 isn’t “ruined” because you got a little off track this first week.
(Although, the internet may try to convince you otherwise)
Heck, our family dealt with stomach bugs and poor sleep this week, so believe me, I get it. I certainly didn’t New Years Eve resolution as hard as I wanted to
Use this week as a guide, not a prediction of your future.
If you are white-knuckling it or have fallen off track, what can you do to set yourself up for success for the rest of the year… you know the 98% of the year you have left!
Build Your Stick-to-it-iveness
Do Less
Exercise is a big one where people set unrealistic goals.
3-4 days per week of strength training is plenty! If you’re new, even 2-3 days/week produces results!
10,000 steps is a stretch goal for most people. If you’re new to getting in your steps, a more reasonable goal may be to double what you’re currently doing. Most people take around 3-4,000 steps/day, could you hit 6-7,000?
Do More, But Get Uncomfortable
Are you allowing yourself to feel a little discomfort? That’s actually a good thing!
There’s a difference between “white knuckling” and pushing yourself beyond your limits or what you’re used to. Goals aren’t supposed to be easy!
White knuckling = ending your day feeling depleted, irritated, and uncomfortably hungry.
Uncomfortable = pushing yourself beyond what you normally do and feeling a little tired, maybe a little hungry, but also proud and able to keep going.
Plan More
This often relates to food prep. If you’re eating more protein and/or vegetables than you are used to buying, you may have ended the week scrambling to meal prep or find healthy options in your kitchen.
Use this week as a guide for how much you need to purchase and prep.
Be a hoarder. Stock your pantry with protein powder, canned tuna/salmon, and beef sticks. Fill your freezer with frozen veggies, frozen chicken strips or burgers so you always have something easy on hand. You’ve got this.
Focus On Behaviors, Not Outcomes
We often have unrealistic expectations of what a few days of hitting our goals will do (thanks to shows like Biggest Loser!).
While it can feel defeating or demotivating that you’re not magically 5 lbs lighter or stronger at the end of the week, know that progress is still being made.
Are you consistently doing the behaviors that you’ve chosen to hit your outcome? Great, keep going!
Define your progress as how often you’re being consistent vs. how much you’re losing.
Plan For Hiccups
Goal setting isn’t linear. Some days/weeks you’ll crush it. You’ll feel confident, be consistent, and notice your progress. Other weeks you’ll doubt everything and want to give up. Know this is normal.
What separates people who finish their year strong and those who give up is the ability to get back on track after a hiccup.
Hiccup = your kid(s) are sick, you have tight deadlines at work, you overindulge at a party, and you go on a short vacation. These all make it harder to stay focused and consistent, but they’re temporary.
Are You With Me?
Are you starting to see how with the right mindset you can finish this year strong?
Even if this first week felt rocky.
Even if you haven’t started, yet.
Even if you feel like your final destination is FAR from where you stand today.
One thing is for certain, you will not hit your goals by giving up now.
But you WILL enter the next season of your life as a healthier person by leaning into grace and grit. Can you give yourself that gift?