I love that you treat everything with such an unbiased eye. I agree that this medication should be used in combination/coordination with other interventions and training. My mom had her stomach stapled years ago and it was a lengthy process with many different doctors before she was allowed to have the surgery. Afterwards though, her support period was short-lived with all those specialists (both by her choice and their allowance), and once it stopped, her progress largely did too. That would be the biggest concern for me in deciding to use medication - am I going to have the additional support that I need to ensure lasting results that don’t hinge on my continuing to take the meds forever?

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Thanks, Charley! It's so great to hear from you! Unfortunately, the period after weight loss surgery isn't always as well supported well or care drops off for a variety of reasons. I'm sorry that happen with your moms care! For using medication, I would actually start with the question of what is the end goal... and is it even necessary to continue forever? It's entirely possible to use these peptides/medications as a reset (lasting a few months or longer) and wean off of them once metabolic health parameters are within reason and lifestyle changes have been adapted. Finding a thoughtful practitioner before you start, often a functional medicine practitioner who has more time for visits or a combination of your PCP and a support group, that can work with you long-term as you find your rhythm can be hugely helpful. Hopefully once we start to understand these medications or lift the inflammatory perceptions, these conversations and support will become even easier to find/access!

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